Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 13

1.     Research federal agencies and explain which one you feel is the most important one and why?

I would have to say both the (NSA) National Security Agency and the (NSC) National Security Council are of high importance to the safety of our country. The NSA prevents our foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information and they work to defeat terrorists both at home and abroad. Our NSC is a major forum for the President when considering our national security or any foreign policy matters.

2.     Which federal agency could be terminated with the least impact (if any) and why?

I think we could do away with the internal Revenue Service. The government should just put a flat tax on the people. We work very hard for our money and the government just takes it away. I think the economy would improve and there would be a lot more money in the cofers if this were possible.

3.     Are any new agencies needed? In other words, if you were president would you create new agencies? If so, in what area(s)?

I realize with this economy that a lot of people need help but, I think there should be more emphasis put on welfare fraud. I know we already have people to do this, but if we created a new agency or maybe just revamped what we already have, and they did nothing but investigate and prosecute fraud, a lot of people would be cut out of the programs. I think in order to receive any sort of government assistance you should be able to pass a drug test as well. I worked in the juvenile court system for ten years and we had to remove many children from their parents. The majority of these parents were receiving government assistance and were using it to finance their drug addictions while their chldren did without.

Posted on Edward King & Tinisha Key (awaiting third post)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 12


1.     What makes a great President (not which Presidents have been great) . . . what qualities are essential to greatness?

 I think anyone who runs for the highest office in the land should first and foremost be honest. I think they should also be patriotic and love their country. They should always want the best for the people. Why? The entire United
States relies on the President to do what is right for them and if he is not honest and doesn’t love our country he would not be a very good candidate for that job.

2.     Other than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, which two Presidents have been the greatest and why?

I think I would have to say our 32nd President, Franklin Roosevelt and our 43rd President, George W. Bush. They both were in office at very difficult periods in our nation’s history. President Roosevelt worked hard to pull our country out of a horrible depression and he found ways to put people back to work and put food on their tables. President Bush was in office during 911 and I think he handled it with grace and confidence. I will never forget his speeches in the aftermath. I was very proud to be an American during that period.

3. Research a President that you're previously unfamiliar with - list at least three things you learned. Was this President effective? Why or why not?

I chose our 6th president, John Quincy Adams. I have never really thought very much about him but he did do some pretty amazing things. He raised taxes even though some people did not like it and he used the money to create and improve roads. Since travel was mostly by boat at that time he proposed that the Federal Government bring our country together with a network of roads and canals and, he was responsible for the 185-mile C & 0 Canal. He also started the national bank and established a National University because he wanted our country to take a lead in the development of the arts and sciences.
Also posted on Robert Cook and Jesse Griffith (awaiting 3rd person)


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11  


1.     Who are your Senators and your Congressman?

Our U.S. Senators for Tennessee are Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander. Our Congressman for Tennessee is Chuck Fleischmann

2.     Research the areas they champion and find one you support. What is it and why do you also support it?

Congressman Fleischmann is a vigorous activist for the National Rifle Association.  He supports legislation that in his words, “allows licensed firearm owners to carry out their God-given right more freely” because “the right to carry a firearm is a right that allows law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and is crucial to the freedom of our country.” I don’t think in this day and time that anyone has the right to take our guns away.


Bob Corker is a very patriotic man who wholeheartedly supports our active duty military service personnel and all veterans. At a Veteran’s Day event he stated in part “Whether it’s in Afghanistan, or at a military hospital, or at a Veterans Day event in Tennessee, it is humbling and often overwhelming to be in the presence of our active duty service men and women and our nation’s veterans,” My husband was in the Marines for seven years and I know how hard it was. I respect Senator Corker for taking a stand on behalf of our military personnel.

Lamar Alexander voted for the nuclear arms treaty with Russia and I think that is a vote in the right direction. If the treaty will enhance stability and lower the number of nuclear weapons then I am definitely for it.   It will allow us on-site access to Russian missile silos and I think we have every right to know what they are doing. I think it will strengthen our national security.

        3. Find an issue one of your Senators or Congressman champions that you disagree with. Why
            do you disagree?
           Congressman Chuck Fleischmann is against abortion at any time, whether it be in the 
           first trimester or later in the pregnancy. I am for abortion even though it is a touchy subject    
            and  I don’t think I could ever do it. I feel like as a woman that is our decision.                         
           There are circumstances where I feel it would be the right thing to do.

Posted on Robert Cook, Ed King, & Stephanie Griffin

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10


1.     Read Bush v. Gore in the text.  Do you agree with the majority or the dissenting opinion?   

I think that Bush was right in asking for an injunction to stop the recounts.


 There was absolutely no way for sure to know what those voters intended. It would have been ludicrous to continue. It was almost like Gore thought if we keep recounting them in different ways he would win.

2. Is the ability to fundraise too important in elections? 

I think they put too much focus on the money issue. I know it costs a tremendous amount of money to pay for fundraising and for media ads but, I think it is a shame that so much money gets wasted when there could be less expensive alternatives. It’s almost like the candidates have to see who can outdo the other one.  It is all about who has the most bucks.

In other words, are good candidates prevented from running because they cannot raise the needed funds?

I feel sure that the lack of money has kept many excellent candidates from running. If a person has the ability to raise enormous amounts of money then that is their personal freedom to do so and most likely the person who spends the most will win. You can’t get yourself out there as a candidate without campaign spending for fundraising, ads and news spots.

Can/should something be done to correct this if it is a problem?

 I think the government has done all they should. They have already put limits on campaign finance.

3. Why is there such voter apathy - in other words, why is there often such low voter turnout for elections? 

 I think a lot of people just think it is a waste of time and that their vote doesn’t count. However, there are lots of reasons not to vote. I think by having early voting we have a better turnout due to the fact that the election is on a workday and most people have to work.

Is there a way to rectify this problem?

It would be nice if we all had more faith in our government.

I think as technology advances and we are given more convenient methods of voting I think turnouts will increase. The voters have to feel like they are getting something out it.

Also posted on Stephanie Griffin, Robert Cook & Edward King