Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 13

1.     Research federal agencies and explain which one you feel is the most important one and why?

I would have to say both the (NSA) National Security Agency and the (NSC) National Security Council are of high importance to the safety of our country. The NSA prevents our foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information and they work to defeat terrorists both at home and abroad. Our NSC is a major forum for the President when considering our national security or any foreign policy matters.

2.     Which federal agency could be terminated with the least impact (if any) and why?

I think we could do away with the internal Revenue Service. The government should just put a flat tax on the people. We work very hard for our money and the government just takes it away. I think the economy would improve and there would be a lot more money in the cofers if this were possible.

3.     Are any new agencies needed? In other words, if you were president would you create new agencies? If so, in what area(s)?

I realize with this economy that a lot of people need help but, I think there should be more emphasis put on welfare fraud. I know we already have people to do this, but if we created a new agency or maybe just revamped what we already have, and they did nothing but investigate and prosecute fraud, a lot of people would be cut out of the programs. I think in order to receive any sort of government assistance you should be able to pass a drug test as well. I worked in the juvenile court system for ten years and we had to remove many children from their parents. The majority of these parents were receiving government assistance and were using it to finance their drug addictions while their chldren did without.

Posted on Edward King & Tinisha Key (awaiting third post)


  1. You make some very good points in this post. I agree that the NSA is very vital to this nation and a very important federal agency because without them our defenses would suffer and America would not be as well protected as it is.

  2. I agree that welfare fraud is an increasing problem and is a type of identity theft. I too understand that agency are present to terminate this problem. However, I believe the violators out numbers the people that enforce or investigate this type of crime. For instance, I have heard of several cases where the welfare beneficiaries had died and a family member has continued cashing in and reaping the benefits.I believe these type of situations are occurring daily and will continue until proper steps are taken to resolve this issue.

  3. Pam, I completely agree that our national security is vital. And, as I said on Edward's post, I would love to see a flat tax imposed instead of our current tax system, however, I do not think this will ever be possible. Despite it being fairer and making more sense, there are too many in this country who are accustomed to being free from paying any taxes, and it is these who would be hurt the most by imposing a flat tax (I am referring to low income families who not only are exempt from paying taxes but who also receive earned income credit). On the other hand, I completely agree that welfare fraud is a serious problem! It was established to be a temporary aid, not a generational source of income.

  4. I agree with your post concerning the need for any new agencies. I believe that welfare fraud has gotten totally out of control. Some in our society have come to believe it's easier to have kids and let the government support them, than it is to get a job and work for a living.

  5. I feel that your blog was right on the money. I to think that the government should do more to stop welfare fraud. I think what bothers me the most is people that do drugs and the agency knows it, and the people still get the benefits. I think a random drug test should be done.

  6. I do agree with all of you on the ones that gets welfare and abuse it. There is other agencies out there that knows but they are not going to do anything about it. I do think that some of them we have doesn't do the job that they said they are there for. The ones that gets hurt when people do abuse the different agencies is the people that does need help from them and can't get it but the ones that doesn't has no problem getting the help.
