Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter 4

1. Freedom of speech: How important is it? Does the freedom go "too far"? What areas of speech should not be protected?

Freedom of speech is a very important part of our first amendment.We came to America to escape tyrrany from England.  If we could not speak freely, we could not voice our opinions. One of the great freedoms of being an American is the ability to speak, whether it be about our government or about our religion.  I do feel that it goes too far in relation to the press and media. They can crucify you without proof . There have been many incidences where people have been ruined, when they were actually innocent of the accusations that were printed about them. However, there should be certain limitations to protect us. If we did not have limitations their would be anarchy.

2. Freedom of religion: Is separation of church and state necessary? Why or why not?

Freedom of religion is very important to me. There are many countries that cannot worship as they see fit, nor can they voice opinions without punishment. I cannot imagine my government telling me I can't believe in God, or whoever I chose to worship. I do think it has been taken too far by certain groups who use it to their own advantage. Our country was based on religious freedom, but they take "separation of church and state" and use it for their own agendas.

3. Criminal procedure: Are defendant's rights crucial to our system of government? Why or why not?
Many argue that defendants have too many rights. Do you agree? Why or why not?

I do not feel that they have too many rights. If not for the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments, we would not have the guarantee of due process or a fair trial.

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