Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 9

Which political party do you most identify with?

I have never really identified myself as either democrat or a republican. I guess now I would have to say I identify more with the Democratic Party.


I think the Republican Party has become so bipartisan that they just want their way no matter what the cost to the people. They just want to win and prove they are right no matter what the cost and they refuse to agree on anything a Democrat stands for.

Are there things in the party platform with which you disagree?

There are things in both parties’ platforms that I may disagree with, like abortion. I have very mixed feelings on some of the issues that I am just not comfortable with. I think the Republicans want to take that right away from women without thinking the whole thing through, just for votes.

2. Does America need political parties?

I definitely think political parties are needed.

The founders originally hoped that American politics would operate without need of parties? Would that work today?

I do not think that would work in our country today.


The people of this country and their feelings have become so diverse that I think we should have these options to make choices.

3. Please research lesser known political parties - which one do you most identify with?

The Justice Party USA


The Justice Party USA is a political party in the United States that was formed in 2011. This party is working for campaign finance reforms and does not accept corporate funding. It wants to abolish corporate personhood. I think that we should be able to sue a corporation. They should not have that kind of protection. The party and its founder are in favor of a financial transaction tax and want to end the Bush tax cuts. I am really not sure whether I agree with this aspect of it or not but, they are against the enlarging of the Keystone Pipelineand want a ban on mountaintop removal mining. I absolutely agree with them on these two issues. We have very limited aquifers in the western states and if there was ever a leak it could be a catastrophe. I have seen the effects of mountaintop mining and a reclaimed mountaintop never looks the same again. They are also proponents for a single payer health system. It describes itself as advocating economic justice through measures such as green jobs and a right to organize, environment justice through enforcing employee safeguards in trade agreements, and social and civic justice through universal health care. I have to say I agree with all of these issues. My son lived in Canada where they have a very similar system and he greatly benefited from it.

Posted on  Edward King, David Smith & Robert Cook


Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter 8

1.     From figure 8.1 in the text, select one of the interest groups and do some research on their issues and beliefs.

I chose to research HERE. This stands for Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union.

What did you learn?

This union was formed in 1891. I found that they have worked to help organize hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers. Many of the people that work in this field are African-Americans, Latino and Asian immigrants. The majority of these employees are female and they work in hotels, casinos, industrial laundries, institutional cafeterias, airport concessions, and apparel manufacturing, distribution, and retail facilities.

What did you find interesting?

Many of the jobs that they support have always been low paying labor jobs. With the support of the union, wages have definitely increased and so have conditions. Many of these people, particularly women would not be able to work at any other job. This type of employment is very hard work and they deserve to be compensated for it.

Do you agree/disagree with their positions on issues?

I definitely agree with what they stand for. They are very important issues.


I agree with the issues because they battles for workers’ rights, immigration reform, living wages, and quality jobs for all members of the industry.

2.     Find an interest group with which you associate (positively). What is the name of the group and what do you find persuasive about their position on issues?

I chose the IAFF, International Association of Firefighters. My father is a retired captain in the fire department. I remember growing up how low his pay was and how dangerous his job duties were. In his career he was injured on more than one occasion. This union was formed in 1903 and from the beginning they have fought for better wages, improved safety for firefighters, and to better serve their communities. They are one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington and, FIREPAC is among the top 25 PACS in the country. They strive to promote as safe and healthy a working environment for fire fighters as is possible through modern technology, to promote the establishment of just and reasonable working conditions, to encourage the formation of sick and death benefit funds, and they promote the research and treatment of burns and other related health problems common to fire fighters. All of these are very important issues.

3.     Do interest groups have enough/too much/the right amount of power in the political system?

There are times when I feel they have way too much power. However, I do feel that they serve a very important purpose.

Most believe it's a fine-line balance between freedom of speech for the groups and keeping unfair persuasion out of government. Where is that line and when is it crossed?

I think crossing the line would be when our legislators can be bought off by what these groups can provide for them
Posted on Robert Cook, David Smith and Lisa Bryson


Thursday, October 11, 2012

 Chapter 7

1. Does objectivity still exist in the media's coverage of politics? I am sure some elements of the media still report from an objective standpoint. Our text points out that most people think there is a liberal tilt to media reporting. I also think  there is some bias in the media and in the polls that they publish.

 Of the major news outlets (CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, NPR, NBC, etc.), which are the most objective and which seem to have the most bias? i would have to say that Foxnews is definitely the most bias. They are absolutely conservative. My parents are Republicans and that is all they will watch. They think if you heard it on Fox it is the gospel. Some people think NPR and Cnn are the most objective but I am not sure which is better. NBC is the parent company of   MSNBC  and if you listen in the daytime they are more objective than if you listen at nightwhen it is MSNBC. I think CNN leans toward the liberal side more than some of the others.

2. How does talk radio (Rush Limbaugh, Keith Olbermann, etc.) affect your view of politics?
Rush Limbaugh definitely does not affect my viewpoint on politics at all . As for liberal Keith Olberann he really does not influence me either way.

Why? Rush Limiaugh  is a conservative Republican and I think he gives that party a bad name by being the most obnoxius human I have ever heard.

3. Is media objectivity important?  I think it is important for the media to be objective.
Why or why not? The public looks to thee media to give us the real unbiased edition of news. I guess the best thing we can do is watch a little bit of all of them and try to figure out the truth on our own.

Posted on Robert Cook, Jessie Griffith, & David Smith

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chapter 2

The change from the articles of Confederation to the Constitution made our govenment much stronger. We were dealing with a very weak, undefined way of governing the people. The Constitution created  the three branches of government along with separation of power and the system of checks and balances. Without the Constitution we would not have the freedoms that we are now able to enjoy.
 Within the Constitution we were given the Bill of Rights and without this we would not have freedom of speech, religion, or the press. We also would not have a fair Judicial system in that it created our right to a jury, a fair trial, due process and many other things.
The death penalty is a very controversial subject and I had always been very opposed to it. I felt  life in prison would be much harder on a criminal than just dying. However, after the publicity of the Christian, Newsom murders I have changed my way of thinking. I feel like if anyone deserved the death penalty, the animals that committed those murders do. I now think capital punishment can be ccalled for in certain instances.
Chapter 5

1.  The issue of race - does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of racial discrimination? Why or how so?
I do not think our government does too much to reduce racial discrimination. I find it hard to believe that as early as fifty years ago, black people had so little freedom. If the government had not stepped up, things would never have changed. I am 52 years old and I remember the first black student at my middle school. They started bussing students from across town and I remember the anger of the people of that time. That was in the early seventies.  Now, people would find that unbelievable. Without some of the landmark decisions by the courts we would not be where we are today. They deserve equality just as much as anyone else does.

2. The issue of gender - does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of gender discrimination? Why or how so?
I personally think the government should do more to promote equality for women. If we did not have groups such as the National Organization for Women  we would not have come as far as we have in ending discrimination. Without them we would not have had a proposed Equal Rights Amendment or the Equal Pay Act. As I have learned from the text women still do not have equal pay. The government needs to do more, not less.

3. The issue of sexual orientation - does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of sexual orientation? Why or how so?
I am unsure how I feel about this issue. My christian beliefs tell me it is wrong to be homosexual. Yet I think all people should have choices, so maybe things are leading in the right direction. .At least the government is recognizing that it exists and slowly working toward a solution. They certainly are not going to stop it.

Chapter 6

1. Polls:

Is American news media too dependent upon polls?
 I think they are way too dependent on the polls. By reading the text I understand there can be many errors in them but the media plays them up as though they are fact.

 Is it appropriate for news agencies to create polls and then report on them?
No, i really do not find it appropriate.

Why or why not? 
I think polls can be very bias depending on who is doing the polling. I think
they report what is in their best interest.

2. How important is political party identification to you (e.g. as a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc.)?
 It has never been very important to me as an individual. I have always said I was more or less democrat but I have always voted for whoever I thought would do the best job. I have always thought of myself as a fairly liberal person. Now I don't know how I feel about either party. I do not think Obama has done a very good job, but I disagree with so much of what Romney has been saying. I guess we just have to vote for what we think is the lesser of two evils.

Was it more or less important to your parents & grandparents?
Party affiliation is very important to my parents. They are strickly Republican and would never vote any other way. My grandparents basically felt the same way.  I come from a very strong Republican family.

Does it seem more or less important to your friends? I think that this election is probably more important to my friends than those in the past.

Why or why not?
I think everyone finds this election of great interest due to the economy. Everybody knows someone who is out of work right now, or has been affected in a negative way.

3. Do you feel that you opinion of politics is more influenced by economic issues or by social issues? Why?
I think in this election it is all about economic issues. America appears to be in trouble and the economy just does not seem to be getting any better. The price of everything just keeps going up.

I posted on Sarah Bates, Donna Binford & Lisa Bryson this week