Friday, October 5, 2012

Chapter 2

The change from the articles of Confederation to the Constitution made our govenment much stronger. We were dealing with a very weak, undefined way of governing the people. The Constitution created  the three branches of government along with separation of power and the system of checks and balances. Without the Constitution we would not have the freedoms that we are now able to enjoy.
 Within the Constitution we were given the Bill of Rights and without this we would not have freedom of speech, religion, or the press. We also would not have a fair Judicial system in that it created our right to a jury, a fair trial, due process and many other things.
The death penalty is a very controversial subject and I had always been very opposed to it. I felt  life in prison would be much harder on a criminal than just dying. However, after the publicity of the Christian, Newsom murders I have changed my way of thinking. I feel like if anyone deserved the death penalty, the animals that committed those murders do. I now think capital punishment can be ccalled for in certain instances.

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